

How to prepare the best Training Material


Training Material designed on basis of objectives and design of the training program can be made into a best material for participants by following few simple guidelines-
1. Planning the Training Manual-
1. Divide the manual into different modules or segments based on the Training design.
2. Prioritize the modules in a logical manner and prepare table of contents accordingly. Make sure that the sequence in the manual should match to the sequence in which the training session is carried out.
3. Immediate to the table of contents, insert a page which talks about the manual-purpose, about and to whom it is meant. Also add how to use the manual.
4. For each module if any activities (e.g. role plays, case studies, games, discussions etc) are planned, incorporate them in the form of handouts in that particular module.
1. Articles-
2. Include handouts of articles or cases related to the topics where needed. Arrange them topic wise in a sequence for clarity.
3. General articles not pertaining to any specific topic but related too can be included but can be placed at the end confusion to the participants.
4. Its always advisable to mention the source and reference, if the articles or sources are written by any author.
5. Never include any copyrighted articles unless prior permission is taken but it would add value to the manual if the trainer includes few of his own written articles.
6. Graphs and Visual effects-
1. For technical programs, screen shots, graphs etc must be included for the better understanding the subject, if required.
2. Include audio or visual CD if any topic needs to be covered using them and where participants are instructed to bring laptops to session.
3. Tests, Exercises and other additional information-
4. Add few exercises or test in modules which can be taken by participants after the end of program for self assessment.
5. If extracts from any book or article are included, do mention that it is an extract and also mention the source.
6. Always add few snippet pages which include tips and instruction in the end which can be followed in the work place.
7. Content
8. The content written clearly in a simple understandable language. Avoid using large paragraphs and complicated sentences. Make sure the font, colour and alignment are consistent
9. At the end give reference to links or suggest book names or instruct a course with details which participants wish to follow after the session.
10. Acknowledge if anyone are involved in preparing the training material.
11. Packaging
12. Limit the manual to 60-100 pages and each page should contain the footer For internal purpose only.
13. The paper should be soft with an attractive cover page with visible copyrighted mark.
14. Its always better to bind the manual in such a manner that each module can be removed and replaced.
Do include the above to make training material more resourceful for the participants.

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