

Training Material: Value Addition to the Training Program


A training program would truly be incomplete without providing the participants any training materials. Training material captures the synopsis of everything that is going to be covered in the session. Training material or manual typically would consist of Reading material, Training manual and workbook. These Materials need to be planned depending on the objectives and design of the training program. A good training material in fact reflects the success of the training program. It is actually a huge task for trainer to compile the material in a way it covers everything and is easily understood by the participants.
Reading material consists of articles (taken from a source or trainer own written articles) and Handouts of Case Studies, Role plays, Games and Exercises.
Training Manual is divided into different modules or segments. These modules or segments cover briefly the main content of the training program.
Workbook consists of varied exercises which are taken by the participants during or after the session (for example- balance sheet exercises for accounts training program).
Need for Training Material-
Training material when given before the training program acts as a preface for the participants. They get acquainted with content which generates interest among the participants before the commencement of the program. Participants attend the session with pre knowledge about the subject and this makes it easier for them to grasp the subject readily.
During the session, participants usually try to listen to the trainer and take notes. This results in loosing concentration. If good reading material is provided related to the session the trainer can always tell the participants to refer to the material, so that they can relax and concentrate more on the class without worrying much to write down notes.
Participants generally face problem in transferring the knowledge learned in the session to apply at the workplace. It is not possible for the participants to retain everything in the session and implement in the workplace. In such cases training material acts as a ready reference to guide them in their workplace.
Planning the Training
Development of Training Material is as much a challenge to the trainer as handling a training program. The Training material has to be planned keeping in mind the objectives, design of the program and as well as the learning styles of the participants. It should act as a reference before the training program, guide during the session and be an aid in transferring the knowledge at the work place after the end of the session. Training material which is well planned adds great value to the Training program.

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