

Using Movie Clippings in Training


A picture speaks a thousand words, they say. For a trainer, a video may well speak a million. But the trick to get to that million is to have the right movie clipping. With the wide spread access to internet and consequently, websites such as Youtube, most trainers now make a religious visit to this site before any program. The point is to have the most appropriate video which can help you in achieving the program objectives. But the question is how to choose an appropriate video clipping. Following could be some heuristics in this process
1. Identify the requirements: Many times movie/video clippings are an afterthought in the program design and they appear as kind of an appendage, with some (or minimalistic) link to the theme under discussion. They therefore add, most time, at best, a entertainment value. However, if one is to gain maximum advantage, then the trainer identify that part of the program where a video would help participants the most, compared to other forms of pedagogy. For example, to drive home a point of good presentation skills, an appropriate video may go a long way.
2. Duration: Duration of the video is a important to make sure that learning happens which is impactful. Long videos tend to bore adult learners and could leave them disengaged. While there are no definite rules, any clipping in excess of 20 min may have to be seriously looked into to ensure that the time is worth the point being driven home.
3. Language: While language is easy enough a parameter (no one goes on to play a Uzbek video in a Chinese language program), the question is often about pronunciation and accent of the speaker(s)/character(s) in video. Considering that the language has often many dialects and ascent it should be ensured that the clipping is easily understandable by the audience. Many time, in parts of South East Asia, clippings from West (in English) are played. This should usually be avoided. In the extreme event that it cannot, then there should either be either provision for sub-titles or atleast the trainer pausing the video to explain what transpired. Context:
4. Post Processing: Video is a part of the pedagogy and therefore has content and elements which need to be explained and connected with the large topic/theme under discussion. Many time, participants are shown clippings and then post that just asked to move on, as if it was just a side show. While one may derive some mileage from an entertainment perspective, serious learners may not take this well, and so do organizations.
5. Movie versus Training Clippings: Movie clippings are another powerful way of driving home a point, since most people relate with movie and movie characters. But, again thorough research has to be done before deciding on playing appropriate movie clipping.
Remember that video clippings is a powerful tool in training should be used discriminatingly to ensure better learning for participants.

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