

Content-the soul of a Training Program


Training and development domain has undergone tremendous development over time in terms of delivery of training, technology being used etc. However, it is undisputable that the corner stone for any successful training program still is its content. To develop meaningful content for any training program a trainer must keep a few essential points in mind. A trainer must include -
* Practical information/knowledge that is usable for participants at work. Too much theory leads to a disconnect as the content seems unusable and hence irrelevant
* Business priorities related content- For example if an organization is seeking to enhance sales at lower costs, sales training must include the concept of ROI
* Case studies and real life examples suitable for the program to increase content relevance and prepare participants on how to use concept discussed
* Planned material that to take away- This means that the participants have a reference point and can refresh their concepts as and when needed. This material should be designed and structured so that the participants can use it on their own long after the program is over. It should cover all the key concepts of the program with examples
* Tests and assessments- During the program, the test must be planned and designed to capture their understanding of key concepts. Comprehensive and well-timed tests are tools that help a trainer tailor approach and content during the program. It is also useful to include some basic tests the participants can use afterwards to track their content retention and their development at work
* Well thought of and clearly defined activities and games to keep them energized and engaged
* Relevant trends & technologies-This keeps the participants up to date on what is happening and shows them how they can make it happen

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